Wow, it has been a while since I have written, but it was one of those months. Life gets in the way sometimes. Sometimes it's for good reasons and sometimes it's for bad. This was a month of the latter with a few spatterings of the good.
At the beginning of December I suffered a recurrence of Ross River Virus. This time it came back with a vengeance and did the world tour of my body that lasted for almost 4 weeks. The muscle and joint pain and stiffness started first along with a headache that lasted for 3 weeks. Then it moved on to my liver and lungs and finally settled in my lower legs and ankles by making them swollen and difficult to walk. Thankfully I am fully recovered but definitely not looking forward to a repeat bout.
During all of this I managed to attend my daughters dance recital, helping her with costume changes, makeup and hair.
Then we celebrated her birthday (the week before Christmas) with a sleepover for her and two friends.
And finally it was Christmas.
We got up early on Christmas morning to check if Santa had been (he had) and to unwrap our family gifts to each other. After a quick breakfast we hopped in the car and headed to Melbourne for a family Christmas.
On the way I got the phone call that my Dad had had a fall and was being ambulanced to hospital with a gash on his forehead :( .
When we arrived we learnt he had been transferred to Royal Melbourne Hospital with a bleed on the brain. I ate a rushed Christmas lunch and headed in to the Hospital with my Step-Mum.
We spent the next few days in and out of the Hospital, Dad had an operation to clear the clot and thankfully he was discharged this week. His memory and speech are improving slowly. We are so thankful to all the doctors, nurses and staff of the Royal Melbourne Hospital for their excellent care of my Dad.
2018 is a New Year and I am looking forward to all that it will bring us.
Enjoy life and live every day as if there's no tomorrow.