How to make your own dishwasher powder 

I have been making my own dishwasher powder for over 12 months now and haven’t looked back.
If you google the internet there are hundreds of different recipes for dishwasher powder, below is the recipe I use:

1 cup bicarbonate soda
1 cup washing soda
1/2 cup iodised salt
1/4 cup citric acid (or borax)
20 drops lemon essential oil
Shake it up in a jar.

To use: put 1 Tablespoon in the powder/tablet dispenser

I have not done a costing as I buy the bicarbonate and washing soda in bulk. But to me I feel that it is cheaper and better for the environment with no chemicals.

Before using please check with your dishwashers manufacturer guidelines.




What to do with all that garlic....

I was given a bag of garlic by a good friend and rather than see it go forgotten in the pantry I preserved it for future use.

With a bit of help I peeled the cloves.
To make the skin come off easier I cracked the clove under the knife blade (push down gently until you hear the crack) this makes the skin "separate" from the clove and easier to peel.

The peeled cloves were put in a sterilised jar, tap the jar on the bench to allow the cloves to settle together and make more room on top for more cloves.

I then poured olive oil (from our olive trees) over the cloves to cover the top, gently tap the jar on the bench to release any bubbles and fill until covered allowing a bit of room at the top of the jar before putting the lid or seal on.

Store in the fridge for future use or in case of vampires.

