Using leftovers to make Bubble 'n' squeak

What do you do with leftover food?

When I make the evening meal I always make up a spare plate to put in the fridge or freezer so that there is always something available for my husband to reheat if I am away shopping.  I drive an hour one way to get to the nearest town with a supermarket, so a grocery shopping trip takes a minimum of 3 hours. While I am there I take the opportunity to schedule as many appointments as possible to save on unscheduled trips.

Sometimes when I make the spare meal I misjudge the amount of vegetables needed and end up with a bowl of leftover vegies.

I was home alone at lunch time with this bowl of vegies and I thought what could I do with them.  Then I remembered that my Mum used to cook "Bubble 'n' Squeak" for us as kids.  So I put the leftover mashed potato, vegies and some parmesan cheese in a bowl, mashed them together and made fritters.  I fried them in a little bit of oil and I honestly wasn't going to eat them all, but they were so delicious and full of memories that before I knew it there were none left for anybody else.

Do you have any family favourite recipes that are full of memories too?

Enjoy life, it's the only one we will ever get.



  1. My daughter loves bubble n squeak. She has had them cold too for school.
    I’ve always enjoyed leftover night and still do. Bits of this and that and you can always add toast to a lot of leftover dishes too. I always dish out extra as well. Most of the time I reheat it for the kids after school. More nourishing and keeps them going until dinner.

    1. Thank you Kylie, leftover nights are easy to do, and a great way to clean out the fridge. My daughter loves leftovers for school lunch. I bought a small thermos a couple of years ago, and it is the perfect size for school lunches. I reheat the food in the morning, and by lunchtime it is still warm for school lunch.

  2. Oh, yum! I've just caught up with some of your posts and this one has me wishing I had some veggie leftovers in the fridge for brekkie right now. I love bubble n squeak! Meg:)

    1. Thanks Meg, you could always just cook up some vegies and then make bubble and squeak.:)


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