Establishing a routine

Well, after some time off from Diva Farm Days, I’m back. I started working part time this year and have not been able to get a routine happening as yet. I’m trying to balance work, farm, home, family and me time.

My aim is to get a daily routine established, so that I don’t feel like I am running around like a headless chook.

So it has all started today (and no this is not an April Fools joke) with a morning walk to try and get fit and also to participate in the Heart Foundations MotivApril Challenge, to walk 250,000 steps in April.

I never tire of this view

Today's walking attire

My walking companion
One step at a time to establish my routine, I find that if I try and do everything all at once then I stumble and trip and any routine falls by the wayside.  First up is to start walking every day and to drink more water.  These routines are for me and my health, I will establish home, work, farm and family routines as they develop.

So, I encourage you all to sign up for the Heart Foundations MotivApril challenge, not only to join and support me but for yourselves and your own heart health.

Looking forward to seeing photos of you all out and about.


PS: 10am step count is 3699

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